Founding member / Committee :
- Chair : Ms. Lena Edouard,
- Vice-Chair: Mr. Fernas Karara,
- Secretare : Mr. Jérôme Favre
- Treasurer: Ms. Yasmine Rockenfeller
Active members :
- Agostino Pacciani (Photojournalist, film maker)
- Yasmine Rockenfeller (Humanitarian Affairs for the UN )
- Guillaume Waline (Digital strategy consultant)
- Sandra D’Urzo (Architect for the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent)
- Paola Peruzzi (Professor of Centro Linguistique at the University for Foreigners of Siena )
- Afafe Ghechoua (Freelance journalist)
- Fabio Pianigiani (Musician / Composer )
- Matthias Brunner (Director of Satiscan Sarl )
- Clément K’draon (Director of Satiscan Sarl)
Conseil scientifique :
- Marco Giugni ( Professor UNIGE, Dep. Political Science and International Relations )
- Matthias Brunner ( Director of Satiscan Sàrl, study design and data analysis )
- Denise Efionayi-Mäder (sociologist, co-director of the WSF – University of Neuchâte)
- Elisa Banfi (UNIGE- Institute for Social and Political Research, RESOP)
- Carol Mann (Anthropologist and Sociologist – Sorbonne Paris 8)
- Guilain Mathe (PhD in political science DONOS, University of Basel)
- Dr. Jean-Claude Métraux, (Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, UNIL, Social and Political Sciences)